Contoh Narrative Text Legend Of Lok Si Naga Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Narrative Text Legend Of Lok Si Naga Dalam Bahasa Inggris - Hello guys,  kini kita kembali lagi nih tentang cerita gimana kalian pasti suka kann yang namanyaa cerita. Sebelum kecerita saya jelaskan terlebih dahulu nih apa itu narrative text. Jadi, Narrative Text adalah suatu jenis teks yang berupa cerita khayalan, kisah nyata yang direkayasa, atau dongeng. Narrative text menceritakan suatu cerita yang memiliki rangkaian peristiwa kronologis yang saling terhubung. Tujuan dari Narrative Text adalah untuk menghibur pembacanya. Gimana guys menurut kalian jika kali ini kita membahasa cerita lok si naga?  Wah apa yaaa lok si naga?  Dipikiran kalian pasti buah naga nih wah kok bisa yaaaa?.

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Untuk lebih lanjut ceritanyaa, mari kita simak nih contoh narrative text legend of Lok Si Naga dalam bahasa inggris cerita ini hanyalah rekayasa ya guys, tapi sangtalah bagus dan menarik selamat membaca semuanyaa semoga bermanfaat buat kalian yaa. Berikut Contoh Narrative Text Pendek:

Contoh Narrative Text Legend Of Lok Si Naga Dalam Bahasa Inggris


   Once upon the time in a bay which had long beach in south Kalimantan . There was a family who consisted of a couple married, the husband worked as fisherman and the wife sold the fish from his husband. They were so happy to pass day by day until they got a handsome and good son.

   In short story, their son was ten years old, he used to help his parents. After his father went back from the sea in the dawn, he used to follow his mother to sell the fish around village or change with other goods. The money from the selling fish, they used to buy something. He was kind son who knew what he should do, he preferred helping his parents to playing. After selling fish, he continued to play with other friends near his home.

   One day a couple married went to the river near their home to put big fish catcher tool, it was named fish scoop-net (Tangguk). In the river and waited the fish caught, they told about their son and planning for his future. A husband lifted the Fish scoop net occasionally, but unfortunately there was no fish in it. He did it once a ten minutes, but he was not fortune. Till they felt step down and wanted to go home. In his last time in lifting the Fish scoop-net, there was a big white egg in it, he was shocked and did not believe. He put it in the river again. And some minutes later, he lifted it again but the big white egg was still in it. He decided to put in other side in the river, he lifted again ….the big white egg was till in it. Because the day was evening, they brought that egg to home happily.

   At home, they looked their son was sleeping in the bedroom and they did not disturb his comfort. The wife boiled that egg as their dinner menu. After taking a bath, the wife slice an egg into three parts, the couple married had dinner with that boiled egg without their son. Suddenly after eating the egg, their body changed as dragon, from their toe until head. They were shocked with the terrible condition and yelled as dragon. Their yelling made the son woke up from his sleeping. He was so frightened and closed his eyes by called his parents, the dragons of his parents’ reincarnation came closer to him and told him to not to eat that egg.  Because it was white dragon egg. Due to their big love to him, they licked their son.

    In next day, they permitted their son to go to the river, they wanted to fight with the dragon in the river. They remembered to him to wait them in the edge of river and asked him not to jump into river. If there was red blood on the river, it meant that they were failed and if there was a white blood, it meant that they won. The sign of fighting result would be seen if the rain fell drizzly in the hot day and the rainbow rose between the sky and earth. After telling it, they jumped into the river.

   The son waited faithfully in the edge of river, he used to looked at the river and hoped that his parents would come back as usual. One day, it was raining drizzly in the hot day and the rainbow rose between the sky and earth. The river was full of white blood. He believed so much that his parents won and came back from fighting with white dragon. But in his long waiting, his parents did not come back.

    All day in his life, he waited his parents in the edge of river because he could not live without his parents. The citizenry called that river by Lok Si Naga or Lok Lua meant “sungai Naga”.

Contoh Narrative Text Legend Of Lok Si Naga Dalam Bahasa Inggris - Hello guys, itulah tadi  Contoh Narrative Text Legend Of Lok Si Naga Dalam Bahasa Inggris. Untuk itu ada Banyak sekali tentang cerita Narrative text hanya di sini nihhhh kunjungi terus website ini temukan banyak sekali hal yang menarik seputar bahasa inggris. Terimakasih, Sampai Jumpa kembali terus semangat buat belajar.. Sampai Jumpa bye...

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